jeudi 13 novembre 2008



Hi,In this topic i will talk about a danger disease that we can get it,AIDS

how can we avoid this disease?

how can we get AIDS??

after listenig this aids video I learned a lof of information that i had never known befor.

Nowdays,AIDS becam one of the biggest problem that people suffer .

In this video ,they tell us how many people die cause to this disease.

How we can avoid and advise other people to prevent this disease??

education is the key to encoureged everyone to learn about Aids and how it spread .also, the

parents should talk with their daughter and son about sex and some type of drugs and some

risky behaviors that could lead to Aids .(men should Protect theirsef with condom ).

it can be fransmited by blood like by sharing needles,such as needles used to inject drugs and

those used for tattoing people who have another sexually transmited illness ,also if a pregmant

women is affected ,its automaticly transmited to her newborn .for that she should made some

treatment to not affect her baby .every one of us should know all of this information that can

help him to avoid AIDS

1 commentaire:

Natsuko a dit…

Hi!! Mohamed!! I'm interested in your Topic. AIDS is big problem in the world. I think we must know more about AIDS. School and parents should teach about AIDS for student and children when they are young. It will be one way for escape the AIDS. When I was elementary school student, I watched AIDS drama on TV. I shocked then, and I was so scared. I think TV is good tools too. Anyway, all people must know AIDS.